We appreciate you checking out our Team River Runner: Bluegrass blog. TRR is committed to promote health and healing through paddling. By getting our wounded warriors out on the water, we let them know that we are here for them, and that we support them, and they discover what they have in them... and that allows them to move forward. We are all just paddler's when we are on the water. Please feel free to leave comments on the posts and let us know what you think. Come join the movement!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Time on the Water

Time on the water is something all paddlers yearn for. I am no exception. On the water I can think, yet not think at all. It allows me to clear my head and concentrate only on the water and the paddle. I can see things I won't see anywhere else, like a Great Blue Heron feeding on the bank, a doe leading her fawn to the water for the first time, or a small mouth making it's first jump of the season. Being on the water is not only relaxing, but it is therapeutic. It gives us the re-creation that we all need as people who are pulled in numerous different directions.
Don't believe me, or think I am being "hokey", you should give it a try. Let it be flat water, or whitewater, let it be a lake or a river, let it be by yourself or with a group, let it be a four hour tour or let it be just a fifteen minute jaunt; get out and give yourself a good paddling. You'll thank yourself.

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